social media concepts

Every Business Needs a Social Media Position

“Let’s be real.  Social media is NOT for every business.  One of the biggest tests is if you can create a community of key followers who use social media.  If you can’t, then it’s not a good fit.”

I have struggled with this quote since the day I read it.  So as not to publicly chastise its author, I am going to keep the owner anonymous.  However, I cannot let this go.  Kyle Lacy puts this into perspective best in his blog “The Failing Marketing and PR World“, where he correctly opines  “If you do not believe in social media as a valuable device for communication (two-way communication), I am concerned for your company health and your clients bottom line. What happens when you realize that you did not change in the right direction?  What happens when you are surpassed by smaller, more agile firms and your market share is ripped away because of one thing, [that] they realized it was important to talk to single consumers instead of a HUGE demographic mix. They realized it was important to communicate instead of blasting messages over the airwaves.”

Your business needs social media.  Social media is an effective, efficient, and very economical sales and marketing resource.  Instead of being confused and bombarded by all the experts telling you what tools to use, focus on the strategy you need to grow your business.  And, how social media can help you with that strategy.  In Chris Brogan’s blog, Strategic Blogging and Some Tactics to Nail It“, he discusses the importance of a strategy.  “Before we dive in, just realize this: strategy is a word that’s rarely used properly. Check out Erika Andersen’s Being Strategic if you need more on the right way to think about strategy. If not, just accept that strategy just means ‘the best way I can think of to get to the goal.'”  Think strategy first, tools next.

Engage in a program that leverages the building of a community.  Social media is all about community.  Social media is where you go to find prospects, build a brand, market your toys, listen to the masses, and manage your reputation.  If you don’t know how to build a social media community, get help.  But please do not stay away because someone who doesn’t understand the power of social media told you to.

If you need help understanding social media or developing your strategy contact me, I have the resources that can help you.  In this economy innovation and creativity will move your business forward.  There is nothing more innovative or creative than the conversations and interactions occurring through social media.

Expert blogs to follow on this subject: Kyle Lacy, Chris Brogan, Scott Monty