growth ideas

Listen, Learn, and Understand

From a recent conversation with a client (paraphrased):

Our prospects are cautious.  They want to know they can make money with our product.  So we provide them the documentation on benefits, value, service and quality to give them an idea of how we can help them.  They have all the information; but, they are still cautious to make a decision.

  • Telling is not selling.
  • Providing a bunch of benefit based collateral does not solve their problems.
  • Saying all the same stuff any of your competitors say about quality, service, commitment, and value is not a differentiation

Customers simply are not going to do business with you because you want them to.  They are only going to buy from you when they see how your product: makes them money, saves them money, solves a problem or fulfills a need.

When you encounter a customer situation like above, where they are cautious, concerned or reluctant, your next action is to understand: why they feel that way, what is the source of these issues, and how they would like you to help them.   None of these questions require any action on your part other than to listen, learn, and understand.  Once you have effectively taken the time to listen, learn, and understand you are in a position to work with your customers and address their issues with ideas and suggestions that are very custom to their issues.

Once your customer identifies what is getting in the way of you working with them and how they envision you solving that problem, you are in a much better position to resolve the issues and craft a program that enables you to engage them in a business relationship.  Or, you can keep telling them how great your company is and how wonderful your products are and hope that someone believes you.  Personally, I would go through the listen, learn, and understand process; it is much, much more efficient and productive.

Dave Cooke has recently launched his program the Sustainable Revenue Formula™ (SuRF), which provides businesses a comprehensive formula for effective and sustainable revenue growth.  If you are interested in obtaining a copy of the white paper, Revolutionizing the Future for Today’s Business”, please contact me: