growth ideas

Selling With Passion

Passion pursuades” ~ Anita Roddick*

One of the lessons I have learned watching and listening while various people meet with their prospects and customers is how critical attitude is.  A saying that I use often in developing sales professionals is:

“Sharks smell blood, dogs sense fear, and people sense weakness.”

Every one of us has an intuitive sense of our surroundings and the people we are communicating with.  A lack of passion, confidence, commitment, and honesty are often picked up in the communication process.  When in front of a customer, these senses are turned on and tuned in.  Anything lacking in your internal mechanism will be picked up and your customers will not be as comfortable with you as a result.

I work with many entrepreneurs.  Entrepreneurs are idea people.  They are passionately committed to their product or service.  Often they are not very good salespeople.  Yet, in front of the customer, their passion, energy and commitment often builds the customer’s confidence in the product.  As a result, they often can get people to commit to a business relationship strictly on the credibility they bring with their passion and commitment.  It is not their sales process that enables them to build the business relationship.  It is their passion about what they do and the value of that offering.

Some days we are more motivated than others.  Other days, it is easy to crank it up.  Whatever your mood that day remember, passion persuades.   Without that passion, it is going to be a long day.

*NOTE: I received this quote today from Just Sell, a site that provides daily inspirational sales quotes.

Dave Cooke has recently launched his program the Sustainable Revenue Formula™ (SuRF), which provides businesses a comprehensive formula for effective and sustainable revenue growth.  If you are interested in obtaining a copy of the white paper, Revolutionizing the Future for Today’s Business”, please contact me: