growth ideas

Three Values Existing in Every Business Relationship

The most essential component in the customer development process is the first step known as relationship building.  I find few sales professionals or sales managers interested or skilled in this particular and very critical activity.  Most of their behaviors indicate that they feel effective relationship building is simply a box to be checked on the way to the sales pitch.

Heads up.  Effective relationship development activities take time, is not simply a game or a series of moves in the sales process, and requires a deeper level of engagement than simply talking with someone for fifteen minutes on that first sales call.

Having an effective relationship with your customers and prospects requires you have established three aspects of value with them: trust, credibility, and rapport.  These three values are not simply something you can tell your prospects.  They cannot be displayed or demonstrated through fancy brochures or collateral.  And they require you to truly connect with and be engaged with your prospects and customers in order for them to determine how they feel about you.

Next time you go on a customer development call, remember building a great relationship takes time.  Until the customer senses and believes in their value for you–trust, credibility, rapport–they are going to take their time moving forward.

Elastic Beanstalk


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