economic challenges

Another look at “Fear”

In yesterday’s blog I touched on the impact of fear on an organization and how, as leaders, we need to help our team feel empowered and energized to be a component of change and improvement, instead of allowing them to be fearful of the current events and the potential impact on their jobs.

In a very defining blog by Marcia Ruben, she discusses the impact of fear in our own decision making process.  In it Ruben says, “The decisions and actions I take when I am in the grip of fear do not move me forward. In fact, they move me backwards. If your reactions are like mine, your actions as a leader could create what I call a Frozen Tangle-an organization paralyzed with fear with little or no creative actions.”

Fear based decisions are not productive decisions.  As discussed yesterday, fear is an “emotional response to threats and danger.”  As leaders, we cannot make sound strategic decisions when gripped by fear.  In this environment our ability to lead without fear will define our business and the focus and the motivation of our team.  Instead of focusing in fear– the fear of failure or, the fear of making a bad decision– focus on the outcomes desired and the best paths to drive your business in that direction.  Focus on the outcome and the positive net effect that outcome will have on your business.  When you do that you are  now focusing on something productive and positive.  That is the focus you need to have.  Reacting and responding to your fears, freezes you and your business and your team.  Take the lead and focus on positive outcomes and positive, forward thinking strategies.  Your business will move forward and productively into the future.