There are some individuals and organizations that are not adversely affected by the current economic outlook. Their story and my comments are documented in my latest video report.
There are three components to a sales or business relationship:
1. What they buy: This is the “it” that a person purchases, be it a product, a service, or a little of both.
2. What they get: This is the capability, the service, the expertise, etc. that comes with the purchase of the product.
3. What they receive–your Unique Value: This is that special component in the business relationship that the customer recognized as unique and valued about an individual or a company. This is the real reason that someone chooses to do business with someone.
Knowing what the unique value of your organization is and capturing that in every sales interaction is how your business sustains itself through any economic cycle. The problem is most organizations think that their service, expertise, process, or customer commitments are all value based differentiators. In reality, they usually are not.
Your unique value is generally linked more closely to things like culture, the customer experience, your relationship based selling model, or the leadership or value system in your company. It is those seemingly intangible things that makes the customer go “wow”. The trick is to really understand what makes your business and your client relationships special.
Once you understand what your unique value is, develop a strategy around it and sustain it in your ongoing business model. Do that, and your business will thrive.