creating innovation

Think things are tough? Adapt and invest!

SalesCooke had a great conversation last night with a real estate professional.  The conversation went like this: “Real estate?  How’s business?”
“In this market how can things be great?”
“I adapt.”
“How have you adapted?”
“In most businesses, when things start to go bad, they cut back on their marketing.  The most important time to market is when things start to go bad.  I upped my marketing effort and increased my visibility.  People are still buying houses.  I just have make sure they are buying through me.”

BANG! The message and the lesson here is quite clear.  When a situation turns your business sideways, the trick is to adapt and go on the offensive.  Instead of trying to do more of the same (‘insanity’), this professional recognized the change in the market and focused on adapting to the change and went on the offensive.

Succeeding in a tough economy is when good businesses get better.  In a challenging economy, viable businesses figure out how to grow and expand.  They do not just survive, they improve and innovate.  This is a great example of an individual who will come out of a challenging situation with a business that is bigger, better, and stronger as a result of his ability to adapt and invest when others are lost and hanging on.  What a refreshing story.