
Why I Maintain Two Blogs

While I have been actively blogging for the better part of four years, I slowed down on my content development because I was working on fine tuning my blog strategy.  With two blog sites, I had the desire to consolidate them ino one. Every time I thought about the task, I had a great deal giving one of them up.  The decision I came to regarding these blogs is that I will keep them both.  What I need to do is have a better definition and voice for each of these blogs.  That is what I have done. 

The purpose of this post is to introduce the purpose and intent of each blog site; and, allow you to decide which provides you the most interesting source of information and interaction.  Of course, I would be thrilled if you followed and were engaged in both.  However, as good as my content is in providing insight, information, and initiating thought, even I know you probably have a limited amount of free reading and interaction time. 

SalesCooke:  The original blog in my “empire.”  This blog features thoughts, ideas, concepts, strategies, and commentary on all things sales.  Topics range from sales strategy, sales training, sales tactics, sales concepts and sales behaviors.  I am a passionate advocate of relationship oriented, solutions based selling behaviors.  Sales Cooke brings these philosophies to life.  I will submitting a written post on a weekly basis.  I will also be providing links to a series of Podcasts that I have developed with a local sales superstar here in Phoenix, Chris Conrey. (Connect with SalesCooke)

SustainableRevenuesAs passionate as I am about effective relationship development behaviors in sales, I am even more passionate about positioning organizations for sustainable growth.  All to often businesses over emphasize the importance of new customer sales as a key to building a business.  While this is and continues to be an integral component of business growth, real and sustainable growth occurs when a business leverages its relationships–team, customer, suppliers, ownership–in a strategically focused manner to retain and expand the ones it already has.  I have developed a formula that emphasizes revenue expansion with an organization commitment to growth; not a departmental mindset toward sales.  This weekly blog will focus on customer engagement, culture, communication, employee development and leadership strategies, behaviors and concepts that will put a business in an organizational growth program.  I will also introduce several experts as guest bloggers to contribute their powerful experiences and insights. (Connect with Sustainable Revenues)

Two blogs.  Two opportunities to engage and interact.  I look forward to your comments, feeback, ideas, and questions.