Business Perspectives

Differentiation is Customer Defined

Differentiation is not as difficult as people make it.  While it may appear that there are many businesses similar to yours, the truth is that each one of them is actually quite different.  Your business has two immediate characteristics that make it instantly different from all others in your market: you and your customers.  Once you recognize the potential that those two qualities provide, your differentiation strategy is quite simple.

Know why your customers are buying from you! What makes your customers fans, repeat buyers, advocates, and users of your products and services is what makes you different.  In a cluttered, highly competitive market, your customers chose you for a reason.  And they continue to choose you for a reason.  Know what that reason is and you have your differentiation.

Know what your unique value proposition is! Your customers buy from you for what your business does for them.  However, they are also receiving a huge “wow” or impact associated with this relationship.  The story that your customer shares as it relates to their experience of doing business with you is your unique value proposition.  Understand that unique value and you have the other piece to the differentiation puzzle.

Armed with knowing why customers buy from you and the impact that relationship provides enables you to define your differentiation strategy.  Spend more time with your customers; they provide you everything you need to sell and market your business effectively.  They know and value what makes you different–just ask them what that is.

Dave Cooke has recently launched his program the Sustainable Revenue Formula™ (SuRF), which provides businesses a comprehensive formula for effective and sustainable revenue growth.  If you are interested in obtaining a copy of the white paper, Revolutionizing the Future for Today’s Business”, please contact me: