Business Perspectives

Just Another Book…Or Is It?

cooked-up-sales-coverLast year I released my first book, Cooked Up Sales.  I didn’t go through too much fanfare in releasing it, as it was simply a book I wrote.  Yes, it was a book focused on my passion around effective relationship building, solution oriented selling behaviors. Whether it sold a lot of copies was not the yardstick I was measuring the success of the book by.   I simply knew it was a very concise informative book.  And, I was pleased with the feedback I received from those who read it.

Here it is one year later and I am wondering out loud:

Why are there so many sales professionals who simply do not understand what relationship building behaviors really are?

Why are there so many small business owners and sales professionals attending the ridiculously over-saturated networking and sales pitch events?

People simply do not really, truly understand the skills and processes associated with effective relationship development.

CookedUp Sales is not just another book. It is the answer.

For those who are:

  • Still struggling to build the relationships they need to grow their business
  • Still trying to figure out how to communicate value and create interest
  • Still not making the connections that provide the referrals and the value they need to improve revenues

STOP! attending the same old pitch events and classes and actually spend some quality time learning how relationship building and development is done.

Cooked Up Sales is not just another book, it is the answer for you to build relationships, communicate value, and start improving your sales results.  Purchase this book now and I will give you a free 30-minute phone consult to specifically focus on your sales challenges.  Order this book today and quit wasting your time and your money on programs that are not teaching you anything new.

Order both books, Cooked Up Sales and Your Daily Sales Guide, I will give you two (2) 30-minute phone consultations.

Cooked-Up Sales ($22.50):

Both Books ($32.50):

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