Business Perspectives

Building a thriving, growing business

Now that the first quarter of the year is officially in the books, how are you doing?  Many businesses are assessing the prospects for 2008 by analyzing their first quarter results.  Some are surprised, some are dismayed, and some are celebrating.  In order to maintain revenue stability and sustain a thriving growing business businesses need to actively maintain the efforts on three activities at all times–build, nurture, serve.

Build: Businesses must always be looking to grow and increase revenue. Activities like business development, networking, and adding new accounts are all critical growth oriented initiatives.
Nurture: The surest source of revenue stability is to value, maintain, and support your existing customer relationships.  It is hardest to replace an existing client. Successful businesses do the things necessary to maintain, strengthen, and expand existing client relationships.
Serve: Commitment to excellent customer service at all times is how a company builds and maintains its valued brand and strengthens its existing and new relationships.  A company’s commitment to the customer experience builds a strong, stable and valuable organization.

Each of these is critically important.  None is more important than the other.  And, each must be a component of the daily activities of an organization.  In order to build a secure, growing and viable brand, organizations must always make time to build, nurture and serve.