Business Perspectives

Why Petsmart isn’t “Dogging” it (Part 2)

PetSmart’s success model–The right people in the right culture with emphasis on the customer.  In yesterday’s blog I discussed how PetSmart Chairman and CEO, Phil Francis, viewed the impact his employees had on the PetSmart business.  Motivated and talented people are critical to a sustainable business model.  Today, I want to focus on how Mr. Francis emphasized the role that culture plays in retaining their employees and their culture.

In his talk last week at the Phoenix’s Enterprise Network monthly breakfast, Mr. Francis proudly opened with a story of how an employee of two weeks working at a store in the middle of Kansas was able to talk about PetSmarts corporate commitment–D.O.G.  He was pleased to experience the energy, knowledge, and commitment that this new employee had in relation to the foundational company strategy.  That this employee was able to embrace it and understand it reflects the emphasis placed on the strategy and vision throughout the organization.

But, there is more to this message.  That the customer is truly the center of this core strategy demonstrates a corporate culture that truly values the customer.  The three components of D.O.G are: Delight the customer, Operational Excellence, and Grow Services.  So, while employees new and experienced know, understand, and live their company commitment, it is even better that this vision reflects a corporate culture that nurtures customer centric and service oriented behaviors.  That PetSmart is succeeding in growing their business is no surprise.  After all, they are doing all the right things through their people, their culture, and their customer focused strategies.  As business owners, we can all learn a lesson from PetSmart.