Business Perspectives

Left out of the Stimulus Package-Real Jobs!

It is interesting that small business, that sector that has actually created real jobs in the past few years have received less than 1% of the stimulus package funds.  With all attention and big stimulus money given to the big companies as part of the economic stimulus, it is big business who have been shedding jobs not creating them.  While the small businesses that have created jobs are struggling to survive and cannot access a line of credit are left ignored at the feeding trough.

Lost in this stimulus package–real stimulus and real job creation.  Big companies cater to their investors first.  Investors are only looking for immediate improvements in profits.  There is no real opportunity for job creation until the investors and the analysts are satisfied that the earnings picture for them has improved.  There are no jobs on the horizon for big corporate America.  The stimulus for real job creation through these big companies will not occur for at least 12 months.  Need an indicator of this behavior, look at how ineffective TARP has been at pumping money into the economy.  It has been a miserable failure.  These banks are using the capital to stabilize their business not to stimulate loans.   The economic stimulus will have the same near term results.  Businesses will use this money to creatively shore up their balance sheets and generate sales without adding jobs.

Real job creation comes from job stimulation.  Small businesses are more adept at innovation, growth and change.  Pump a little money their way and they can and will create jobs.  But, a little money is certainly a great deal more than the measly 1% built into the package.  That is plain insulting.   Small business was obviously not something our Congressional leaders or President Obama even looked at as they were writing fat checks.  Once again our government has focused on wasting money on the big guys, with all the lobbyist influence and their short-sighted, investor driven behaviors.  While the true innovative and job creating machine, the small businesses in this country, are left out in the cold.

Wake up President Obama and Congress–Small business grows jobs!!  Send serious stimulus money to the small businesses in this country where it will have a real and immediate effect.