business development tips

Do you have “Commission Breath?”

I recently enjoyed a lively discussion with a fellow blogger and respected entrepreneur.  We were talking about sales behaviors and he referenced how much he dislikes it when salespeople show up with “commission breath.” Always one to provide me with a classic, descriptive phrase, I siezed on this opportunity for a great blog topic.

“Commission Breath” exists with salespeople only interested in selling somebody something and are solely interested in that revenue opportunity as it relates to their commissions.  Customers can and do smell “commission breath.”  When you show up with your “commission breath,” pushing to close that big deal for that big commission check, you have re-inforced everything that people hate, detest, and despise about salespeople.  If you have “commission breath” get it treated–you are only thinking about yourself and that is not what good sales or business behavior is about.

To treat “commission breath” learn to sell by learning to solve.  Business owners today have many concerns.  They are constantly looking for solutions to their business challenges.  Instead of showing up with an objective of getting them to buy what you have to sell, show up with a mission that you are here to learn about their business and uncover ways that you may be able to help them with their business issues. Being a solutions based resource for a business owner increases the potential that someday they may buy from you.  They will certainly respect you, refer you, and find ways to do business with you.  Handled correctly, you may even uncover an opportunity to generate some business.  But, if you show up with “commission breath,” you may close some deals in the short run.  But, you will not close very many good ones or build many long-term relationships.

Business owners do not have time for pushy, “commission breath” salespeople.  They are looking for business professionals who are willing to invest in helping them solve their business issues.  Learn to sell correctly and add value and the benefits for your good behaviors will be more readily rewarded.