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Let’s Solve these Problems Together!

It seems there is a trend these days to find someone or something to blame for the various occurrences in our lives. blame Whether it be the current economic mess, the failures in our business or place of work, the collapse of the US auto industry, the problems at our kids’ school or just about any sporting event.  When something goes wrong, someone is to blame.  Blowhard pundits and broadcasters like Rush Limbaugh have made a career out of criticizing everyone who disagrees with his view of the world.  They often make it quite clear they are absolutely not the one we blame for the problem.  Worse, they are rarely the ones who want to figure out and put into real action what needs to be done to fix, correct or improve the situation.  These people are not really helping they are simply inciting.  As a society we cannot fix any problem without taking real corrective action. True leadership is making a commitment to effectively guide people to accomplish great things.  We are a society looking for leaders.  We are not looking for more people to remind us of all things we need to blame people for.

Recently I posted a blog on the word “should“.  I noticed that often people would use the word “should” as a way of assigning responsibility to someone else for fixing or correcting a problem or an issue.  I have noticed that in many of my blogs and commentaries I do a great job of pointing out the problem: mismanaged business, poor sales behaviors, everything that is wrong with customer service and support, and even more things that really stink about the whole auto mess.  I have done a great job of identifying the problem.  I have been pretty effective at  trying to assign blame.  And, I have come very close to telling others what they “should” do to correct these issues.  I have only scratched the surface at how we fix these problems or create answers to avoid them in the future.  That is not enough.  We need real solutions to these very real problems and challenges.

I am committed to utilizing this site as a better forum for solutions and ideas.  A forum where we discuss the challenges that we face and find ways to start to create fixes for our problems.  We do not need any more people telling us that someone is to blame for this mess, we already know that there is always someone to blame–even if we are wrong.  What businesses and individuals and families and owners are looking for is answers to the many things that are not working for them today.

I need your help, your comments and your involvement on this blog.  Let’s start solving some problems together.  Instead of simply reading this blog, join me in the conversation and in finding solutions.  Respond, ask questions, disagree, offer opinions and ideas, engage in a written conversation.  That is what true blogging is all about.  If this blog is to become a forum for ideas and problem solving it requires the engagement of many.  Get in the game and start sharing.  It will help us all!!!