
Three Principles of Relationships in Sales

If you don’t enough sales, it is because you don’t have enough great relationships.  You want more sales, build more good relationships.”  Dave Cooke

Principle #1:  Sales success is totally dependent upon effective and strong relationships.

Principle #2: Successful and strong business relationships are based on mutually beneficial engagements.

Prinicple #3: For something to be mutually beneficial both parties realizes, discovers or believes there is value in the connection.

Conclusion: Your business will grow when you have successfully and effectively established a high number of connections where the people you have engaged recognize the value you bring to business relationships.  Until you recognize, demonstrate, and communicate your value in these relationship building activities, your sales and growth efforts will suffer.  Key phrase to remember and focus on in subsequent activities: build mutually beneficial relationships of value.

Dave Cooke is CEO of Strategic Resource Group, llc an organization specializing in helping businesses increase their revenues through effective growth initiatives and employee development programs. His contributions and insights can be found on his blog posts,  SalesCooke and Sustainable Revenues.