Motivating Perspectives

“I Never Saw it Coming”

We all have had those experiences where something happens in our life and seemingly catches us by surprise.  Worse, while we are lamenting the calamity our friends, colleagues, co-workers, or family all carefully explain to you “they saw it coming.”  Before you read any further take a look at the link to this video.  This is the wreck that we all are surprised by, that everyone around you saw coming.

I have worked with a lot of business owners, managers and employees discussing various challenges and issues.  Those that are receptive to the honest advice, council, and influence of others make adjustments in their professional or personal life and often avoid the bus that is about to hit them.  However, there is another group that is so determined to keep on marching on the path that they are on, that they never see the bus that is about to hit them.

My message in this blog is directed to business owners and senior level managers: your people have gone through a great deal this year.  They have seen co-workers they like lose their jobs, co-workers they despise keep theirs, they have lost benefits, perks, and income, plus, they have been asked to take on more work than ever before.  They want to be successful, appreciated and motivated.  And your best ones will find a better environment the first time the economic situation enables them to do so.

Can your business afford to get hit by a busload of unhappy, disengaged team members? Can you manage the increased loss of intellectual property in the form of experienced people walking out the door?  Will your customers accept another service miscue because you are busy training another replacement?

Your business is built on the spirit and the talent and the energy of your team.  Remember that.  Before they expect it, find a way to reward, thank, or recognize your team. It does not need to be anything elaborate or complicated.  Simply providing  a measured way of saying “thanks” and saying it regularly, or saying “nice work” when it is deserved goes a long way to changing the course of that bus that is about to hit you.  Trust me, I have seen the scenes from this video played out all too often in many businesses.  Forget to give your team the recognition it needs and deserves right now and you will get hit by the bus you never saw coming.