Motivating Perspectives

You are not supposed to fail!

If you have not had the opportunity to observe the phenomenon associated with Susan Boyle, you need to.  Here is a person who least looked the part as a potential reality show music star until she started singing.  And then, susan-boyle“wow!”  The most amazing part of her performance was that she didn’t know that she was supposed to fail.  As a result, her fearless, incredible, moving and powerful performance belied talent that no one could have predicted of her as she walked onto the stage.

In our life we constantly have choices.  Do we really envision our success or are we most likely afraid of failing?  Educators taught us by emphasizing the importance of getting the right answers thus, inadvertently conditioning us to be afraid of getting the wrong ones.  Our parents spent more time telling us “no” than they did “yes”.  Many of our life choices have been safe and responsible because we were encouraged to simply get a job and work hard.  By becoming “Dilberts”  we have become a risk adverse society that limits individualism and personal innovation.  Playing it safe is entirely different than living the dream.

Enter Susan Boyle.  A woman who fearlessly does not realize she is supposed to fail.  Now, it is your turn.  In this challenging and changing environment it is time for you to take control of you!  As you enter into your daily chores envision your success.  Believe in what your value is.  Take steps everyday to be who and what you have decided you want to be and therefore, are.   Do not let anyone derail you from your mission, vision, and goals for they may not be able to envision the potential in your dreams.  Surround yourself with people who see you for your value and your greatness.  Those are the ones who will stimulate you, motivate you, and drive you.  Remember, you bring something special to this world and worrying about failing is not part of the success formula.  Remember, you are not supposed to fail.  You are special–go make it happen!