Motivating Perspectives

How Good is Your Game?

I was reminded of a recent conversation I had with US Representative Harry E. Mitchell (AZ).  I was intrigued by his background as a former educator and his experience at various level of local, state, and national politics.  In our discussion, he provided me a great anology for his experiences at the different political levels:

“Moving from local to national level politics is a lot like the transition from high school, to college, and to pro football.  As you move up to each level the game is played faster and they hit a lot harder.”

There is a lesson for us in that quote, too.  How good is your game?  Are you playing your game to the business level that you need to?

Whatever your business goals, your function or role in your organization, and the vision you have for your professional career, you have to play your game at the level of your targeted audience.  If your game is not up to the level of those you desire to do business with, you had better improve your game.

To improve your game study the people you want to do business with.  What are their behaviors, attitudes, appearance, priorities, habits, needs, etc?  Then examine your communication style, your message, your organizational skills, your value proposition, and your appearance (yes, it matters).  Are you properly prepared to play the game at their level?  If not, get busy and make the adjustments.  In today’s economy, things are moving quite quickly and everyone is looking for solutions from their professional resources.  Make sure your game is up to their level and you will be much more effective.

Sales Cooke Recipe Tip: Businesses only have time for professionals who can add value.  You have to be ready to play the game at its highest level if you desire to succeed in this environment.