Education and Training

What Are You Looking At?

Have you been looking closely enough at your business? ~ Dan Heath and Chip Heath, Fast Company

Interesting article in Fast Company (May, 2010) about video and development and how businesses could utilize this medium to call attention to behaviors, habits, and conversations to improve performance.   In football, coaches have the opportunity to spend a week watching game film in preparation for a single 60-minute game.  Businesses run plays everyday all day.  What videos do they utilize to prepare for in their arena?

This article brings out a unique concept, using videotaped events as an educational tool.  When people have the opportunity to witness the impact of less desired behaviors in a meeting, on a customer call, or during an educational event, the potential to interrupt or change future actions has been demonstrated to be significant.  Additionally, capturing and referring to actual examples, provides tangible references that are not subject to interpretation or review as to what happened.  People’s memories have selective application, videotapes never lie.

Next time you engage in an employee development program, I highly encourage the addition of a video observer.  The lessons applied to the living examples will have a more meaningful and lasting result.

Dave Cooke has recently launched his program the Sustainable Revenue Formula™ (SuRF), which provides businesses a comprehensive formula for effective and sustainable revenue growth.  To learn more and obtain your complimentary copy of , “SuRFing the Wave: Navigating the Rough Waters with Innovation and Growth, please contact me: